Success Story

Masomo app store videos

“It was a pleasure to get your help for the English versions
of Google Play and iPhone preview videos”

Buse Ayrancioglu
User Acquisition Manager @Masomo

Our Approach

After the success of their game “Online Head Ball”, Masomo took things to another level with Head Ball 2. To get people to download this new and improved version of game on the App Store and the Google Play Store, they turned to us to deliver app store videos.
Using stunning design assets, exciting gameplay footage and polished animations, we created videos that reflect the game’s spirit and outperformed their previous video.

App: iOS & Android
Channels: Google Play Store & iOS App Store
Length: 30-33 seconds
Style: Animation
Localizations: English, Turkish

This project was a lot of fun to work on!

The videos were going to be used on both the Google Play Store and the iOS App Store. So we had to be mindful of Apple’s guidelines for App Preview videos. We first created the Android promo video then “dialed it back” and adapted it to make sure Masomo would get Apple’s approval: slightly less animations and full screen gameplay.

Head Ball 2 was not released yet when we started discussing. However the team already had great design assets ready: characters, cards as well as their App Store screenshots. We were therefore able to give life to these assets while adding some special touches.

The video starts with the most important: this is a real-time game against other players, where you’re strategically using powers to beat the opponent.

And while these first 5 seconds are enough to understand the gist of the game, there was a lot more to show from the game, from customizing characters to unlocking stadiums. The dynamic voice over, carefully picked gameplay sequences and visual effects aims at getting people excited about joining the competition.

Masomo A/B tested this video on the Google Play Store against another video they had created, which led to them keeping this more polished promo. It now has over 2 million views from the Play Store.

As a Turkish company Masomo has a wide user base in Turkey, and we also localized this video for the Turkish Android listing.

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We collaborate with you to define the right message
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